Web Services Translation Tool

Web Help  

Version 1.0

License Agreement

WST Release Version

Please read the license agreement carefully, fill in the form, and press the "Register and Download" button. This information is used justfor the purpose of registration.

Copyright (c) by the University of Castilla - La Mancha.

This software can be used in these terms:

  1. You (the licensers) do not have any obligation to provide any maintenance or consulting help .
  2. We will only use WST for non-commercial applications in academia, or as private persons. This implies that neither WST nor any part of its code should be used or modified for any commercial software product.

In the event that you should release new versions of WST to us, we agree that they will also fall under all of these terms.

Please click in the picture or the "Download link" text:


Download link


Web Services Translation Tool --- WST
Retics Group

Toledo Map

Related Links

Real-Time and Concurrent Systems Group - ReTiCS