José Antonio Gámez
- Knowledge Engineering (Theory) - 4º year.
- Data Mining (Theory and Practice) - 5º year.
- Intelligent Systems Applied to the Internet - PostGraduate.
José Miguel Puerta
- BioInformátics (Theory and Practice) - 5º year.
- Minería de Datos Web (Theory and Practice) - 5º year.
- Intelligent Systems Applied to the Internet - PostGraduate.
Ismael García
- Lenguaje Processors. (Theory and Practice)- 4º year.
- Intelligent Systems Applied to the Internet - PostGraduate.
Francisco Parreño
- Advanced Statistics (Theory and Practice) - 4º Year.
Mª Julia Flores
- Artificial Intelligence (Practice) - 4º Year.
Luis de la Ossa
- Knowledge Engineering (Practice) - 4º Year.