Research projects
As a researcher, I get involved in several projects.
Networks of Excellence

Ongoing projects
- “Ampliando
UsiXML para el desarrollo de interfaces de usuario Post-WIMP /
Enriching UsiXML for the development of post-WIMP User Interfaces
(insPire)” (Ref. TIN2012-34003)
- Supported by the CICYT for three years, 2013-2015.
Past projects
- “Nuevos Entornos y Paradigmas de Interacción” (Ref. PEII09-0054-9581)
- Supported by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha
(JCCM) for three years, 04/2009-03/2012.
- “DEsarrollo de Sistemas Adaptativos y COlaborativos (DESACO)” (Ref. TIN2008-06596-C02-01)
- Supported by the CICYT for three years, 2009-2011, jointly with groups of the Universities of Granada and
- “AVISADOS: Un Sistema Multiagente para la Vigilancia Visual Avanzada” (Ref. TIN-2007-67586-C02-01)
- Supported by the CICYT for three years, 2008-2010, jointly with the UNED.
- “Entornos virtuales colaborativos aplicados a sistemas de
aprendizaje” (Ref. PAI-06-0093)
- Supported by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha
(JCCM) for three years, 2006-2008, jointly with the University of Miguel Hernández at
“Sistemas Adaptativos y
Colaborativos con soporte WEB (ADACO)”: (Ref. TIN2004-08000-C03-01)
- Supported by the CICYT for three years, 2005-2007, jointly with groups of the Universities of Granada and
Organizers of:
- “Metodologías de desarrollo de interfaces de usuario
dinámicas” (Ref. PBC-03-003)
- Supported by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha
(JCCM) for three years, 2003-2005, jointly with groups of the Universities of Valencia and