I'm interested in different (but inter-related) research fields:
- Probabilistic reasoning.
- Triangulation of Bayesian networks.
- Abductive inference in Bayesian networks.
- Propagation algorithms in Bayesian networks.
- Learning Bayesian networks from data.
- Software (Elvira).
- Metaheuristics.
- Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs).
- Ant colony systems.
- Genetic algorithms.
- Parallel models of EDAs.
- Software (LiO).
- Data mining.
- Learning Bayesian networks (scalability, ...)
- Classification.
- Clustering.
- Learning linguistic fuzzy rule-based systems.
- Dimensionality reduction (attribute selection).
- Adaptive learning.
- Robotics (recently)
- Applications.
- Internet related problems.
- Farming problems.
- and more ....
If you want to collaborate with me (my group) in these (or related)
topics do not hesitate to contact with me.