Jose A. Gallud was born in Valencia(Spain) on September 9st, 1966; he got his degree in Computer Science at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia in 1991 and the PhD degree at University of Murcia in 2001. He is full professor of Computer Sciences at University of Castilla-La Mancha in Spain since 1993. His initial research focused on parallel computing and the development of distributed applications. Since 2002 he belongs to the Laboratory of Interactive Systems Everywhere (ISE) research group at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. He has been responsible of different research projects about the development of mobile applications and context-awareness systems.
Dirección postal
Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática de Albacete
Campus Universitario
Despacho: 1.A.12
Teléfono: +34 967 599200 Ext.: 2442
FAX: +34 967 599224
E-mail: jose.gallud at
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