Jens Dalgaard Nielsens publications
Journal publications
- Antonio Fernández, Jens D. Nielsen and Antonio
Salmerón (2010): Learning
Bayesian Networks for Regression from Incomplete
Databases.International Joournal of Uncertainty,
Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. 18: pages 69-86
- Jens D. Nielsen, Rafael Rumí and Antonio
(2010): Structural-EM for Learning
PDG Models from Incomplete Data.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 51:pages 515-530
- Jens D. Nielsen, Rafael Rumí and Antonio Salmerón (2009):
Supervised Classification Using Probabilistic Decision
Graphs. Computational Statistics and Data
Analysis 53:pages 1299-1311
- Manfred Jaeger, Jens D. Nielsen and Tomi Silander (2006):
Learning Probabilistic Decision
Graphs. International Journal of Approximate
Reasoning 42:pages 84-100
Peer reviewed Conference and Workshop Proceedings
- Jens D. Nielsen and Antonio Salmerón (2010): The
Conditional Gausian PDG model In: Proceedings of the 23rd
International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society
Conference (FLAIRS 2010). pp. 549--554.
- M. Julia Flores, José A. Gámez and Jens
D. Nielsen (2009): The PDG-mixture model
for clustering. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK
2009). pp. 378--389.
- Jens D. Nielsen, Rafael Rumí and Antonio
Salmerón (2008): Structural-EM for Learning PDG Models from Incomplete
Data.In Proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop on
Probabilistic Graphical Models. pp. 217--224.
- Antonio Fernández, Jens D. Nielsen and Antonio
Salmerón (2008): Learning naive Bayes regression models
with missing data using mixtures of truncated exponentials.In
Proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop on Probabilistic
Graphical Models. pp. 105--112.
- Jens D. Nielsen and Manfred Jaeger (2006): An Empirical Study
of Efficiency and Accuracy of Probabilistic Graphical Models.
Proceedings of the 3rd European workshop on Probabilistic
Graphical Models. pp. 215--222.
- Manfred Jaeger, Jens D. Nielsen, Tomi Silander (2004): Learning
Probabilistic Decision
Graphs. In: Proceedings of the second European
workshop on probabilistic graphical
models pp.113-120.
- Jose M. Peña, Tomáš Kocka and Jens D. Nielsen (2004): Featuring Multiple Local Optima to
Assist the User in the Interpretation of Induced Bayesian Network
Models. In: Proceedings
of the 10th International Conference on Information Processing and
Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems.
pp. 1683-1690.
- Jens D. Nielsen, Tomáš Kočka, and Jose M. Peña (2003): On Local Optima in Learning
Bayesian Networks. In: Proceedings
of the 19th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
pp. 435-442.
Doctoral disertation
Other publications