Enrique Arias and Vicente Hernández, “Numerical Integration of the Differential Riccati Equation: A High Performance Computing Approach”, ISSN: 0302-9743, Lecture Notes in Computer Science-3402, pp. 671-684, 2005
Ramón Varón, Matilde E. Fuentes, Manuela García-Moreno, Francisco García-Sevilla, Enrique Arias, Edelmira Valero and Enrique Arribas, “Contribution of the intra- and intermolecular routes in autocatalytic zymogen activation: Application to the pepsinogen activation”, PL ISSN0001-527X, Acta Biochimica Polonica, Vol. 53, pp. 407-420, 2006
Varón, M. A. Minaya-Pacheco, F. García-Molina, E. Arribas,
E. Arias, J. Masiá and F. García-Sevilla, “Competitive and
uncompetitive inhibitors simoultaneously acting on an
autocatalytic symogen activation reaction”, ISSN:1475-6366, JOURNAL OF
21 (6), pp. 635-645, 2006
R. Varón, J. Masiá-Pérez, F. García-Molina, F. García-Cánovas, E. Arias, E. Arribas, F. García-Sevilla and M. García-Moreno, “An alternative analysis on enzyme systems based on the whole reaction time evaluation of the kinetic parameters and initial enzyme concentration”, ISSN: 0259-9791, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 42(4), pp. 789-813, 2007
Varón, M. García-Moreno,
E. Valero, M. E. Fuentes, M. LL. Amo, E. Arias, E. Arribas and F.
García-Sevilla, “Optimized derivation of transfer functions and
a software living it. Application
to biological systems”, ISSN: 0096-3003, Applied Mathematics and
Computation, Vol.
84, pp. 823-841, 2007
E. Arias, V. Hernández, J. J. Ibáñez and J. Peinado, “A Fixed-Point based BDF Method for Solving Differential Equations”, ISSN: 0096-3003, Applied Mathematics and Computation , Vol. 188 (2), pp. 1319-1333, 2007
Hernández, J. Javier Ibáñez, J. Peinado, E.
Arias, “A GMRES-based BDF method for Solving
Differential Riccati Equations”, ISSN:0096-3003, Applied Mathematics
Computation, Vol. 196 (2), pp. 613-626, 2008
Enrique Arias,
Angelines Alberto, Jesús Montesinos, Tomás Rojo, Fernando Cuartero,
Jesús Benet,
“A mathematical model of the static
interaction”, ISSN: 1029-0265, International
Journal of Computer Mathematics , Vol. 86 (2), pp.
333- 340, 2009
Alberto, Jesús Benet, Enrique Arias,
Tomás Rojo, Fernando Cuartero, “A
performance tool for the simulation of the dynamic pantograph–catenary interaction”, ISSN:
0378-4754, Mathematics and Computers in
Simulation, Vol. 79(3), pp. 652-667, 2008
J. Ibáñez, V. Hernández, E. Arias, P.A. Ruiz, “Solving Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations by two approaches: BDF and Piecewise-linearized Methods”, ISSN: 0010-4655, Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 180 (5), pp. 712-723, 2008
I Marín, E. Arias, M. M. Artigao, J. J. Miralles, "Parallel implementations of the False Nearest Neighbors method for distributed memory architectures", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 23(1): 1-16 (2011)..
I Marín, E. Arias, M. M. Artigao, J. J. Miralles, "Parallel implementations of the False Nearest Neighbors method to study the behavior of dynamical models", Mathematical and Computer Modelling 52(7-8): 1237-1242 (2010).
Javier Ibáñez, Jesús Peinado, Vicente Hernández, Enrique Arias. " Adams-Bashforth and Adams-Moulton methods for solving Differential Riccati Equations", Computers and Mathematics with Applications 60 (11): 3032-3045 (2010)
Pedro Valero, José Luis Sánchez, Diego Cazorla, Enrique Arias. "A GPU-based implementation of the MRF algorithm in ITK package", Journal of Supercomputing 58(3): 403-410 (2011).
Roberto Uribe-Paredes, Diego Cazorla, Enrique Arias, José L. Sánchez. "Towards an efficient static cheduling scheme for delivering queries to heterogeneous clusters in the similarity search problem". The Journal of Supercomputing . DOI: 10.1007/s11227-013-1079-4. (2013).
Jesús Benet, Nuria Cuartero, Fernando Cuartero, Tomás Rojo, Pedro Tendero, Enrique Arias."An advenced 3D-model for the study and simulation of the pantograph catenary interaction." Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. Vol. 36, pp. 138-156, 2013.
Julio J. Águila, Enrique Arias, M. Mar Artigao and Juan J. Miralles, "Parallel kd-Tree Based Approach for Computing the Prediction Horizon Using Wolf's Method", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2015, Online, October 2015. DOI: 10.1155/2015/687313
Roberto Uribe Paredes, Enrique Arias Antúnez, Diego Cazorla López, José Luis Sánchez García. "An efficiency study of a pivot-based algorithm for similarity search on a heteregenous platform", Journal of Supercomputing. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-016-1868-7. First online: 13 September 2016. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11227-016-1868-7.
Ricardo J. Barrientos, Fabricio Millaguir, José Luis Sánchez García and Enrique Arias Antúnez. "GPU-based exhaustive algorithms processing kNN queries", Journal of Supercomputing, June 2017.
Alberto Gómez, Manuel Nieto-Díaz, Ángela del Águila and Enrique Arias. "BAMOS: a recording application for BAsso MOuse Scale of locomotion in experimental models of spinal cord injury", Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2018.
Francisco J. Tapiador, Raúl Moreno, Andrés Navarro, Alfonso Jiménez, Enrique Arias and Diego Cazorla. "Variability of Microwave Scattering in a Stochastic Ensemble of Mesasured Rain Drops". Remote Sensing, MDPI, 2018.
Manuel Castillo-Cara, Giovanny Mondragón-Ruíz, Edgar Huaranga-Junco, Enrique Arias Antúnez, Luis Orozco Barbosa. "SAVIA: Smart City Citizen Security Application based on Fog Computing Architecture". IEEE Latin America Transactions. Marzo, 2019.
Raúl Moreno Galdón, Enrique Arias Antúnez, Andrés Navarro Martínez de la Casa and Francisco Javier Tapiador Fuentes. "How good is the OpenPower architecture for high-performance CPU-oriented weather forecasting applications". Journal of Supercomputing. April 2019.
Paloma Honrubia Gomez; M Pilar López-Garrido; Maria Carmen Gil Gas; Jose Luis Sánchez-Sánchez; Carmen Alvarez-Simon; J Cuenca-Escalona; Af Perez Af; Enrique Arias Antúnez; R Moreno; Francisco Sánchez Sánchez; M Carmen Ramirez-Castillejo. "Pedf derived peptides affect colorectal cancer cell lines resistance and tumour re-growth capacity". Oncotarget. 2019, 10: 2973-2986. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.26085.
Virginia Barba-Sánchez, Enrique Arias Antúnez, Luis Orozco Barbosa. "Smart Cities as a Source of Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Evidence for Spain". Technological Forecasting & Social Change, August 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore2019.119713.
Raúl Moreno Galdón, Enrique Arias Antúnez,
Diego Cazorla López, Juan J. Pardo Mateo, Andrés Navarro, Tomas Rojo
and Francisco J. Tapiador Fuentes "Analysis of a new MPI process
distribution algorithm for the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)
Model", Scientific Programming, 27/01/2020. DOI:
https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8148373., IF (2019): 0,963. 86/108 en
Computer Science, Software Engineering (Q4).
Raúl Moreno Galdón, Enrique Arias Antúnez, Juan J. Pardo Mateo, Diego C. Cazorla López, Francisco J. Tapiador Fuentes. "Seeking the best Weather Research and Forecasting model performance: An emprirical score approach". to be published in Journal Of Supercomputing, DOI: 10.1007/s11227-020-03219-9. 2020. IF (2019): 2,469. 24/53 en Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture (Q2) y 31/108 en Computer Science, Theory and Methods (Q2).
Jesús Benet Manchó, Fernando Cuartero Gómez, Tomás Rojo Guillén, Pedro Tendero Lozano, Enrique Arias Antúnez. "A Dynamic Model for the Study and Simulation of the Pantograph-Catenary Interaction with an Overlapping span". published in Applied Science-Basel, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app11167445. 2021. IF (2020): 2,68. 38/91 en Engineering, Multidisciplinary Applications (Q2).
María Isabel Ortíz
Lizcano, Enrique Arias-Antúnez, Ángel Hernández Bravo, María Blanca
Caminero-Herráez, Tomás Rojo Guillén, Syong Hyum Nam Cha
"Increasing the security and traceability of biological samples in
biobanks by blockchain technology", Computer Methods and Programs in
Medicine, Elsevier. ISSN: 0169-2607. Cat: COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY AND
METHODS. JCR (2021): 7,027, 12/110 (Q1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2023.107379.
José Antonio Mateo Cortés, Enrique Arias Antúnez, Diego Cazorla López. "Impact of Blockchain technology for business and information systems: Automation of inter-company debt compensation case study", Applied Science-Basel. Cat: Engineering Multidisciplinary. JCR (2021): 2,838, 30/92 (Q2). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app13084805
Rubén Hortelano Haro, José Antonio Mateo Cortés, María Blanca Caminero Herráez, Enrique Arias Antúnez, Ángel Bravo Hernández and Diego Dujovne. "Harnessing blockchain technology to enhance trust and traceability in wine trading among wineries". IT Professional. Cat: COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. JCR (2023): 2,2, 59/131 (Q2) https://doi.org/10.1109/MITP.2024.3392414
Javier Ruiz-Serrano,
José C. Berenguer-García, José Antonio Mateo-Cortés, Enrique
Arias-Antúnez. "DICAUVACOOP: a software tool to calculate and visualize
differentiate payment according to grape quality", Applied Science-Basel.
Cat: Engineering Multidisciplinary. JCR (2023): 2,5, 44/181 (Q1). DOI: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/15/2/717.
Enrique Arias, Vicente Hernández, José E. Román y Antonio M. Vidal, “Aplicaciones de la Tecnología HPCN en la Industria del Plástico”, ISSN:1131-7515, Plast’21, pp 81-84, 1999.
Vicente Hernández, José E. Román, Antonio M.
Vidal y Rafael Torres, “HiperPlast: Un simulador 3D para inyección de
Ternoplásticos Reforzados”, ISSN:0034-8708, Pásticos Modernos, Vol. 77, pp. 401-404, 1999
Jesús Benet, Enrique Arias, Fernando Cuartero y
Tomás Rojo, “Basic Problems on the Mechanical Calculus of Railways
ISSN:0716-8756, Revista Internacional Información Tecnológica, Vol. 15, pp.
79-87, 2004
Varón, M. Picazo, A. Alberto, E. Arribas, J. Masia-Pérez, E. Arias, “General
solution of the set
of differential equations describing the time invariant linear dynamic
Application to enzyme systems”, ISSN:
1312-885X, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol.
1, pp. 281-300, 2007
Arias, M. Picazo, F. García-Sevilla, A. Alberto and
E, Arribas, “A Matlab-based software to obtain the time
equations of the dynamic linear systems”, ISSN:
1312-885X, Applied
Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 1, pp. 551-570, 2007
Jesús Benet, Angelines Alberto, Enrique Arias, Tomás Rojo, “A mathematical model of the pantograph-catenary interaction with several contact wires”, ISSN: 1992-9986, Internacional journal of applied mathematics, Vol. 37 (2), pp. 136-144, 2007
Juan E. Garrido, Enrique Arias, Diego Cazorla, Fernando Cuartero, Ivan Fernandez and Clemente Gallardo. "A Distributed Memory Implementation of the Regional Atmospheric Model PROMES", IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 36, n. 4, pp. 344-350, 2009.
Julio J. Águila, Ismael Marín, Enrique Arias, María del Mar Artígao, Juán J. Miralles. "A Comparative Study of Box-assisted and Kd-tree Approaches for the False Nearest Neighbors Method", IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 37:4, Advance online publication: 23 November 2010.
Roberto Uribe-Paredes, Diego Cazorla, Enrique Arias y José Luis Sánchez. "Analysing Metric Data Structures: Thinking of an efficient GPU implementation. IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies, Lectures Notes in Electrial Engineering, Springer, 2013.
Roberto Uribe-Paredes, Diego Cazorla, Enrique Arias y José Luis Sánchez. "Un sistema heterogéneo Multicore/GPU para acelerar la búsqueda por similitud en estructuras métricas.", Ingeniare: Revista chilena de ingeniería, vol. 22, n. 1, pp. 26-40, 2014.
E. Arias, V. Hernández,
Mayo and E. S. Quintana, “Numerical Solvers for
Discrete-Time Riccati Equation: A High Performance Computing Approach”,
NICONET Workshop on Numerical Sofware in Control Engineering, 1998
E. Arias, V. Hernández and J. J. Ibáñez, “Distributed Memory Parallel Algorithms for Computing Integrals Involving the Matrix Exponential”, 1st NICONET Workshop on Numerical Sofware in Control Engineering, 1998
Arias, E.; Hernández,
Mayo, R. and Quintana, E, “Numerical
Solvers for
Discrete-Time Periodic Riccati Equations”, ISBN: 0-08-043215-8,
Proceedings of
the 14th World Congress - International Federation of Automatic Control
(Beijing-China),Vol. 5,
pp. 165-170, 1999
Arias, E. et al. “HIPERPLAST: An
HPCN Simulator for Reinforced Thermoplastics Injection
Processes”, ISBN: 1-86094-235-0, Parallel Computing: Fundamentals and
Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference ParCo99
(Delf-Holland), pp. 63-70, 1999.
E. Arias, I. Blanquer,
Hernández, J. J. Ibáñez and P. Ruiz, “Nonsingular
Free Piecewise Linearization of Ordinary Differential Equation”, 2nd NICONET
Workshop, 1999
E. Arias, V. Hernández
J. J. Ibáñez, “Nonsingular Jacobian Free Piecewise Linearization of
Equation”, 4th Portuguesse Conference on Automatic Control
972-98603-0-0, Associaçao Portuguesa de Controlo Automatico, 2000
I.; Hernández, V., Vidal, A. and Arias,
E., “Robust and Efficient Software for Control
The SLICOT library”, ISBN: 0-08-043685-4, Proceedings of Workshop 6th
and Architectures for Real-Time Control, Mallorca-Spain, pp. 51-56,
L. Argandoña, E. Arias, J. Benet, F. Cuartero and T. Rojo, “High Performance Computing for High Speed Railways”, ISBN: 0-948749-89-X, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering (CC'03), 2003
A. González, E.
Arias y Vicente Hernández, “Algoritmos
de Altas Prestaciones para la Identificación Basada en Subespacios
PO-MOESP”, 1er
Congreso Internacional de Cómputo Paralelo, Distribuido y Aplicaciones,
Enrique Arias,
Vicente Hernández and Jacinto-Javier Ibáñez, “High
Performance Algorithms for Computing Nonsingular Jacobian-Free
Linearization of Differential Algebraic Equations”, ISBN:
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Analytic and Numerical
7-12, 2004
Benet, F. Cuartero, T. Rojo and Enrique
Arias, “Advance Algorithm to Calculate Mechanical
on a Catenary”, ISBN: 1-85312-715-9, Computers in Railways IX,
857- 868, 2004
E. Arias, J. Benet, P.
Bruis, F. Cuartero and T. Rojo, “Solution of the
Problem of Pantograph-Catenary Interaction: A High Performance
Approach”, ISBN: 0-948749-93-8, Proceedings of the Seventh
Conference on Computational Structures Technologies (CST'04), 2004
Alberto, E. Arias, D. Cebrian, T.
Rojo and F. Cuartero, “An efficient method to
solve the static stiffness problem on a catenary with equal spans”,
European Conference on Mathematics for Industry (ECMI 2006), 2006
Cebrian, Tomás Rojo, Angelines Alberto, Enrique
Arias, Fernando Cuartero, “A user
interface for the
representation of the dynamic results on the pantograph-catenary
ISBN: 1-84564-177-9, Tenth
International Conference on Computer System Design and Operation in the
and Other Transit Systems, Comprail 2006, pp.
817-825, 2006
Angelines Alberto, E. Arias, David Cebrian , Tomás Rojo, Fernando Cuartero and Jesús Benet, “A High Performance Algorithm to Solve the Static Stiffness Problem on a Catenary”, ISBN: 1-905088-06-X, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technologies (CST'06), pp. 397-398, 2006
E. Arias, V. Hernández and J. J. Ibáñez, “Solving ODEs and DAEs: A non singular jacobian approach of the piecewise linearizarion method”, 6th Internacional Conference on Computacional and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE06), 2006
E. Arias, A. Alberto, T. Rojo, F. Cuartero and J. Benet, “A mathematical model of the static pantograph/catenary interaction”, 7th Internacional Conference on Computacional and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE07), 2007
Benet, Tomás Rojo, Fernando Cuartero,
Enrique Arias, “A three dimensional model for the mechanical
study of railways catenaries”, ISBN: 978-1-84564-126-9, Eleventh International Conference on Computer
System Design and Operation
in the Railway and Other Transit Systems, Comprail 2008, pp. 371-380,
Ismael Marín,
Arias, M. Mar Artígao, J. J. Miralles. “Parallel
implementation of the False Nearest Neighbors
method focused to embedding dimension for distributed memory
architectures”, The 2008 International Conference on
and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, 2008. Best paper award.
Ismael Marín, Enrique Arias, M. Mar Artigao, J. J. Miralles, “A high performance implementation for computing the lyapunov exponent on distributed memory architectures”, Seventh International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2009 (ICCMSE 2009), 2009. AIP conf. Proc. 1504, pp. 1214-1217. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4772146.
Julio José Águila, Enrique Arias, María del Mar Artigao and Juan José Miralles. "A distributed memory implementation of the False Nearest Neighbors based on Kd-tree applied to electrocardiography", International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS2010), 2010.
Javier Ibáñez, Vicente Hernández, Pedro Ruiz and Enrique Arias. " A piecewise-linearized algorithm for solving stiff ODEs". International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE2010), Almeria-Spain, 26-30 June, 2010.
Pedro Valero, José Luis Sánchez, Diego Cazorla and Enrique Arias. " A GPU-based implementation of the Classification using Markov Random Fields algorithm in the ITK package". International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE2010), Almeria-Spain, 26-30 June, 2010.
Julio José Águila, Enrique Arias, María del Mar Artigao and Juan José Miralles. "A prediction of electrocardiography signals by combining ARMA model with Nonlinear Analysis methods", International Conference on Applied Computational Science (ACACOS), 2011.
Ismael Marín, Enrique Arias, María del Mar Artigao and Juan José Miralles. "A prediction method for nonlinear time series analysis of air temperature data by combining the false neares neightbors and subspace identification methods", International Conference on Applied Computational Science (ACACOS), 2011.
Nuria Cuartero, Enrique Arias, Fernando Cuartero, Tomás Rojo. "An efficient implementation of the dynamic pantograph-catenary interaction considering a set of transition spans", The Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structuraland Environmental Engineering Computing (CC2011), 2011.
Enrique Arias, Tomás Rojo, Diego Cazorla, Fernando Cuartero. "Improving the engineer efficiency in the design of railway electrical systems by using a High Performance Computing Platform", The Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structuraland Environmental Engineering Computing (CC2011), 2011.
Roberto Uribe-Paredes, Pedro Valero, Enrique Arias, José Luis Sánchez, Diego Cazorla. "A GPU-based implementation for Range Queries on Spaghettis Data Structure", The 11th International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2011), 2011.
Roberto Uribe-Paredes, Enrique Arias, José Luis Sánchez, Diego Cazorla, Pedro Valero-Lara. "Improving the performance for the range search on metric-spaces using a Multi-GPU platform". 23rd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA2012), 2012.
Nuria Cuartero, Enrique Arias, Tomás Rojo, Fernando Cuartero, Pedro Tendero. "A three-dimensional calculation for dynamic pantograph/catenart interaccion", the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technologies, 2012.
Nuria Cuartero, Enrique Arias, Tomás Rojo, Fernando Cuartero. "Una existosa colaboración entre la Industria y la Universidad. CALPW e InDiCa, herramientas para el cálculo dinámico de la interacción pantógrafo/catenaria.", XXXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana en Informática, 2012.
Nuria Cuartero, Enrique Arias, Tomás Rojo, Fernando Cuartero, Pedro Tendero. "CALPE e InDiCa: two sucess stories on pantograph/catenary interaction.", ASME 2012 International Mechanical and Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECHE-2012), 2012.
Fracisco J. Tapiador, Andrés Navarro, Enrique Arias, Diego Cazorla, Miguel A. Martínez, Cecilia Marcos, Inés Santos y Manuel de Castro. "A First View of GPM Estimates over Continental Spain", PMM 2014, Baltimore, 2014.
Uribe-Paredes, R. Cazorla, D., Arias,E. , Sánchez, J. L.. "Resolución de bloques de consultas sobre una plataforma heterogénea basada en GPUs". Jornadas Chilenas de Computación, 2014.
José Manuel Castillo Cara, Edgar Huaranga Junco, Giovanny Modragón Ruiz, Andree Salazar, Luis Orozco Barbosa, Enrique Arias Antúnez.
"Ray: Smart Indoor/Outdoor routes for blind using Bluetooth 4.0 BLE",
ANT 2016: The 7th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks
and Technologies, Madrid, Spain, 23-26 May 2016. DOI: 10.1109/OSSCOM.2015.7372682. Publiser: IEEE.
Raúl Moreno Galdón, Enrique Arias Antúnez, Jesús Garrido, José Luís Sánchez García, Diego Cazorla López and José González Piqueras. "HidroMORE 2: An Optimized and Parallel Version of HidroMORE", ICICS2017, The 8 th International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Irbid, Jordan, 4-6 April, 2017
Julian J. Salt, A. Valera, E. Arias y J. Sanchis, “Control Multifrecuencia. Simulación Mediante Simulink y MATLAB”, 1er Congreso Español de Usuarios de MATLAB, 1995
Julian J.
Salt, A. Valera, E. Arias y J.
Sanchis, “Muestreo
Multifrecuencia de procesos continuos. Simulación con MATLAB”, 1er
Español de Usuarios de MATLAB, 1995
V. Hernández y J. J. Ibáñez, “Un Algoritmo Paralelo
para el Cálculo de Exponenciales de matrices e Integrales con
Exponenciales de
Matrices”, X Jornadas de Paralelismo, 1999
V. Hernández,
I. Blanquer, A.
Vidal y E. Arias, “SLICOT: Una
librería de software numérico eficiente y fiable para problemas de
control con
interfaces para MATLAB”, III Congreso de Usuarios de MATLAB, ISBN:
64-699-1358-1, 1999
V. Hernández, J. J. Ibáñez y J. J. Valencia, “Algoritmos
de Altas Prestaciones para la Resolución de Ecuaciones Diferenciales
y Algebraicas”, XII Jornadas de Paralelismo, ISBN: 84-9705-043-6, 2001
V. Hernández, J. J. Ibáñez y J. Peralta, “Algoritmos
Paralelos para la Resolución de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias
OpenMP”, XIV Jornadas de Paralelismo, ISBN: 84-89315-34-5, 2003
D. Cazorla. V. Guijarro y J. Cruz, “Computación de
Altas Prestaciones en el grupo de Sistemas Concurentes y de Tiempo
Real”, XIV
Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas Distribuidos,
ISBN 84-689-9292-5, 2006
Arias, M. Picazo, F. García-Sevilla, A. Alberto,
E. Arribas, R. Varón, “Obtención
de funciones de transferencia en procesos enzimáticos: desarrollo de
implementación basada en Matlab con interfaz gráfico”, XXIX Congreso de
Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, 2006
García-Moreno, R. Varón, J.
Masiá-Pérez, F. García-Molina, F. García-Cánovas, E.
Arias, E. Arribas, F. García-Sevilla, “Evaluation of the
parameters and inicial enzyme concentration in enzyme systems fitting
to the
simple Michaelis-Menten mechanism”, XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad
Española de
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, 2006
R. Varón, A. Sotos-Lomas, M. J. García Meseguer, M. García-Moreno, E. Arribas , E. Arias, J. Masiá-Pérez, “Un método para la determinación de los parámetros cinéticos en sistemas enzimáticos inestables”, XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, 2006
Julio J. Águila, Ismael Marín, Enrique Arias, María del Mar Artigao, Juan J. Miralles, "Implementaciones para memoria distribuida del método de los falsos vecinos más cercanos:enfoque usando kd-tree versus enfoque usando boxes", XXI Jornadas de Paralelismo, CEDI2010, Valencia, 8-10 Septiembre, 2010.
A. Valera, A. Mansouri, E. Arias, V. Mata, C. Ricolfe, R.Zotovic, M. Vallés. "Identificación de sistemas basada en subespacios. Aplicación a un robot paralelo de 3 DOF.", XXXI Jornadas de Automática, Jaen, 8-10 Septiembre, 2010.
R. Uribe-Paredes, P. Valero, E. Arias, J. L. Sánchez, D. Cazorla. "Búsquedas por Similitud en Espacios Métricos sobre Plataformas Basadas en GPUs", XXII Jornadas de Paralelismo, Tenerife, 7-9 Septiembre, 2011.
R. Uribe-Paredes, E. Arias, D, Cazorla, J. L. Sánchez. "Una estructura métrica genérica para búsquedas por rango sobre una plataforma Multi-GPU". VII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, Almería, Septiembre, 2012.
Raúl Moreno, Diego Cazorla, Enrique Arias, José Luis Sáncehz. "Recalibrando secuencias de ADN mediante un pipeline basado en OpenMP". Jormadas de Paralelismo, Jornadas Sarteco, 2014.
Enrique Arias Antúnez, Gloria M. Pérez-Bustos Muñoz, Luis Orozco Barbosa, José Manuel Castillo Cara. "Positioning Albacete in the European context of smart cities: an energy and environment study according to ISO37120", 13º Congreso Nacional de Medioambiente CONAMA 2016, Madrid, España, 28 de noviembre a 1 de diciembre de 2016.
Virgina Barba-Sánchez, M. Carmen Carrión Espinosa, Rafael Casado González, Enrique Arias Antúnez. "Formación Universitaria como Servicio: Experiencia Piloto en la Transformación Digital de mi ciudad". IV Congreso Ciudades Inteligentes, Madrid, España, 30-31 de Mayo de 2018.
V. Hernández y J. J. Ibáñez, “Algoritmos Secuencial y
Paralelo para la Reslución del Problema de la Discretización de
Lineales Contínuos”, Informe Técnico II-DSIC-45/98, 1998
V. Hernández y J. J. Ibáñez, “Algoritmos Paralelos para
el Cálculo de Integrales con Exponenciales de Matrices”, Informe
II-DSIC-20/99, 1999
E. Arias, I. Blanquer,
Hernández and P. Ruiz, “Definition and
Implementation of a SLICOT Standard Interface and the Associated MATLAB
for the Solution of Nonlinear Control Systems by Using ODE and DAE
Packages”, SLICOT
Working Note 2000-3 , 2000
V. Hernández, I. Blanquer, E. Arias, V. M. García, L. Peñalver and P. Ruiz, “Nonlinear Control Systems Simulation Toolbox in SLICOT”, SLICOT Working Note 2000-5, 2000
E. Arias, V. Hernández,
J. Ibáñez and J. Peinado, “Solving Differential Riccati Equations by
Using BDF
Methods”, Informe Técnico II-DSIC-05/05, 2005
E. Arias, V. Hernández, J. J. Ibáñez and P. Ruiz, “Solving IVP for ODEs by picewise-linearized method based on Padé approximations”, Informe Técnico II-DSIC-04/07, 2007
I. Marín, M. M. Artigao, E. Arias. "Performance Analysis of Parallel Algorithms for Nonlinear Time Series Analysis", Science and Supercomputing in Europe, HPC-Europa Anual Report, 2007. ISBN: 978-88-86037-21-1. pp. 390-396.
R. A. Uribe, P. Valero, E. Arias,
J. L. Sánchez y D. Cazorla, "A GPU-based implementation for
range queries on Spaghettis data
structure", Technical Report DIAB-10-12-1, Computing Systems Dept. , University of Castilla-La Mancha, December, 2010.
E. Arias, "Algoritmos de Altas Prestaciones para la Simulación, Estimación y Control de Sistemas No Lineales", ISBN:84-8427-319-9, Proquest Information and Learning, 2004.
Angelines Alberto, Enrique Arias, Diego Cazorla, Jesús Cruz, “Calp@home: Una plataforma de computación de altas prestaciones basada en BOINC para la interacción pantógrafo/catenaria”, Computación GRID: del Middleware a las Aplicaciones, XVII Escuela de Verano de Informática, ISBN: 978-84-690-5358-4, pp. 95-103, 2007
Ismael Marín, Enrique Arias, M. Mar Artígao, J. J. Miralles, ""Parallel Implementations for Computing the False Nearest Neighbors Method", Recent Advances of Computational Intelligence inNonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization, Atlantis Press, 2009.
Julio J. Águila, Ismael Marín, Enrique Arias, María del Mar Artigao, Juan J. Miralles. "High Performance Computing Applied to False Nearest Neighbors Method: Box-assisted and Kd-tree methods". ISBN: 978-84-007-1191-4, Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing, Springer, 2011.
AbdelKarim AlTamimi, Enrique Arias, Blanca Caminero, Carmen Carrión. Chapter 3: OSS Learning Resources. Book: Prospects of Open Source Software, November 2017. OSSCOM project. http://osscom.org/sites/default/files/public/osscombook_2017.pdf.
Carmen Carrión, Blanca Caminero, Enrique Arias, Mohammad I. Daoud. Chapter 4: Technology Centers. Book: Prospects of Open Source Software, November 2017. OSSCOM project. http://osscom.org/sites/default/files/public/osscombook_2017.pdf.
E. Arias, D. Cazorla, M. C. Ruiz, "Apuntes de Sistemas Operativos", ISBN: 84-931937-6-3, 2001.
E. Arias, "A project based learning experience on the Computer Audit and Security Subject", The Internactional Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN'09), 2009.
E. Arias, "La Auditoría y Seguridad Informática Basada en Proyectos", V Intercampus, 2009.
E. Arias, D. Cazorla, M. C. Ruiz, "Sistemas Operativos: Teoría", ISBN: 978-84-692-2689-6, 2009
E. Arias, D. Cazorla, M. C. Ruiz, "Sistemas Operativos: Ejercicios", ISBN: 978-84-692-2690-2, 2009
E. Arias, D. Cazorla, M. C. Ruiz, "Sistemas Operativos: Prácticas", ISBN: 978-84-692-2688-9, 2009
Virgina Barba Sánchez, M. Carmen Carrión Espinosa, Rafael Casado González, Enrique Arias Antúnez. "Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en el Ámbito del Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Informática de Albacete: Creación de una EBT". II Jornadas de Innovación Docente, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Junio 2017.
Hermenegilda Macià Soler, Joaquín Fernández Martínez, Gregorio Díaz Descalzo, Juan Boubeta Puig, Juan Ángel Aledo Sánchez, Enrique Arias Antúnez. "Evaluando exposiciones orales. Compartiendo experiencias". XXV Jornadas de la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI 2019), 3-5 de julio, Murcia-España.
Computación GRID: del Middleware a las Aplicaciones, XVII Escuela de Verano de Informática, ISBN: 978-84-690-5358-4.
Eleventh International Conference on Computer System Design and Operation in the Railways, and Other Transit Systems, COMPRAIL 2008, ISBN: 1-84564-126-9.