The ability to negotiate contracts for a wide range of aspects and to
provide services conforming to them is a most pressing need in
service-oriented architectures. High-level models of contracts are
making their way into service-oriented architectures, but application
developers are still left to their own devices when it comes to writing
code that will comply with a contract concluded just before service
provisioning. At the programming language level, contracts appear as
separate concerns that cut across application logic, while analysis
requires that contracts are abstracted from applications to become
amenable to formal reasoning using formal language techniques. The aim
of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners
working on language-based solutions to the above issues through
formalization of contracts, design of appropriate abstraction
mechanisms, and formal analysis of contract languages and software.
FLACOS'09 is partially supported by the Nordunet3 project "Contract-Oriented Software Development for Internet Services" (COSoDIS).
Typical topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to):
- Formal languages for contracts
- Contract-oriented software development
- Formal analysis of contracts, including static analysis, run-time verification, and model checking techniques
- Contract synthesis
- Contract transformation and contract refinement
- Contract negotiation, discovery and monitoring
Invited Participants
- Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software, Spain
- Antonio Maña, University of Málaga, Spain
- Ugo Montanari, Universita' di Pisa, Italy
- Paolo Rosso, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
- Kaisa Sere, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
- Martin Wirsing, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Please choose the registration type corresponding to your role:
- Normal participants with accepted papers should register here
- Invited speakers, members of COSoDIS and local organizers should register here
- Other invited participants should register here
Other people who want to participate need first to contact the organization by sending an e-mail to flacos09@dsi.uclm.es.
- Evolving Contracts, Gilles Barthe
- GOPS: Goal-Oriented Policies for Self-Management. An Overview, Björn Bjurling
- Programming Web Services with Choreography, Marco Carbone
- Towards a rigorous IT security engineering, Antonio Maña
- On Behavioural Interfaces and Contracts for Software Adaptation [Security Adaptation], José Antonio Martín
- Visual Specification of Timed Contracts, Enrique Martínez
- Models for Open Transactions, Ugo Montanari
- Analyzing Service Contract with Model Checking, Joseph Okika
- Compensations and Runtime Verification, Gordon Pace
- From Orchestration to Choreography: Memoryless and Distributed Orchestrators, Sophie Quinton
- Contract Oriented Software Development for internet Services - What is it?, Anders P. Ravn
- Passage retrieval and intellectual property in legal texts, Paolo Rosso
- Inter-service Dependency in the Action System Formalism, Kaisa Sere
- Runtime monitoring of contract regulated web services, Maciej Szreter
- A Contract-Based Approach to Adaptivity in User-Centric Pervasive Applications, Martin Wirsing
Workshop Venue
The FLACOS 2009 workshop will be held in the old San Pedro Mártir convent, that today is part of University of Castilla-La Mancha. It is placed in the following address:
Calle de San Pedro Mártir
45002 Toledo
How to arrive from HOTEL SAN JUAN DE LOS REYES:
Ver mapa más grande
Other Workshop Content
Workshop programme
Programme Committee
- Björn Bjurling, SICS, Sweden
- Olaf Owe, University of Oslo, Norway
- Gordon Pace, University of Malta, Malta (PC-Chair)
- Anders P. Ravn, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Gerardo Schneider, University of Oslo, Norway (PC-Chair)
- Valentín Valero Ruiz, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Local Organisation Chair
Local Organisation
- Enrique Arias Antúnez, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Antonio Bueno Aroca, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Diego Cazorla López, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Fernando Cuartero Gómez, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Gregorio Díaz Descalzo, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Fernando López Pelayo, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Hermenegilda Macià Soler, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Enrique Martínez López, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Juan José Pardo Mateo, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- M. Carmen Ruiz Delgado, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Valentín Valero Ruiz, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Contact information
For any further information, you may contact us at flacos09@dsi.uclm.es.