A Coloured Petri Net Approach to Model and Analyse Stateful Workflows Based on WS-BPEL and WSRF






PTCPN transformation for WS-BPEL and WSRF


Case studies


Tool support




Petri net

Petri Nets (CPNs) is a language for the modelling and validation of systems in which concurrency, communication, and synchronisation play a major role. Coloured Petri Nets is a discrete-event modelling language combining Petri nets with the functional programming language Standard ML. Petri nets provide the foundation of the graphical notation and the basic primitives for modelling concurrency, communication, and synchronisation. Standard ML provides the primitives for the definition of data types, describing data manipulation, and for creating compact and parameterisable models. A CPN model of a system is an executable model representing the states of the system and the events (transitions) that can cause the system to change state. The CPN language makes it possible to organise a model as a set of modules, and it includes a time concept that makes it possible to represent the time taken to execute events in the modelled system. CPN Tools is an industrial-strength computer tool for constructing and analysing CPN models. Using CPN Tools, it is possible to investigate the behaviour of the modelled system using simulation, to verify properties by means of state space methods and model checking, and to conduct simulation-based performance analysis. User interaction with CPN Tools is based on direct manipulation of the graphical representation of the CPN model using interaction techniques, such as tool palettes and marking menus. The functionality of the tool can be extended with user-defined Standard ML functions. A license for CPN Tools can be obtained free of charge, also for commercial use.

Source: Kurt Jensen, Lars Michael Kristensen, Lisa Wells: Coloured Petri Nets and CPN Tools for modelling and validation of concurrent systems. STTT 9(3-4): 213-254 (2007)

Tribute to Carl Adam Petri

Carl Adam Petri (12 July 1926 -- 2 July 2010) was a German mathematician and computer scientist. He was born in Leipzig. Petri nets were invented in August 1939 by Carl Adam Petri -at the age of 13- for the purpose of describing chemical processes. In 1941 his father told him about Konrad Zuse's work on computing machines and Carl Adam started building his own analog computer. After earning his Abitur at the Thomasschule he was in 1944 drafted into the Wehrmacht and eventually went into British captivity. Petri started studying mathematics at the Darmstadt University of Technology in 1950. He documented the Petri net in 1962 as part of his dissertation, Kommunikation mit Automaten (communication with automata). He worked from 1959 until 1962 at the University of Bonn and received his PhD degree in 1962 from the Darmstadt University of Technology. Petri's work significantly advanced the fields of parallel computing and distributed computing, and it helped define the modern studies of complex systems and workflow management. His contributions have been in the broader area of network theory which includes coordination models and theories of interaction, and eventually led to the formal study of software connectors. In 1988 he became honorary professor of the University of Hamburg. Petri officially retired in 1991. He was member of the Academia Europaea.
Source: Wikipedia

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