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Antonio Fernández-Caballero |
Professor | ![]() |
University of Castilla-La Mancha | ||||||||
School of Industrial Engineers at Albacete | ||||||||
Department of Computing Systems | ||||||||
Campus Universitario s/n | ||||||||
02071 - Albacete, Spain | ||||||||
Phone: +34 967 599200 ext. 2406 | ||||||||
Fax: +34 967 599224 | ||||||||
Teaching | Research | |||||||
University of Castilla-La Mancha | Albacete Research Institute of Informatics |
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Superior School of Computer Engineeringng | natural & artificial Interaction Systems (n&aIS) | |||||||
School of Industrial Engineers at Albacete | Laboratory of User Interaction and Software Engineering (LoUISE) | |||||||
Academic Activity | ||||||||
Coordinator of Master in Advanced Computer Technologies | ||||||||
Coordinator of PhD in Advanced Computer Technologies | ||||||||
Research networks | ||||||||
EUCogII | 2nd European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics | |||||||
SIMILAR Network of Excellence | The European taskforce creating human-machine interfaces SIMILAR to human-human communication | |||||||
HispaRob | The Spanish Robotics Technological Platform | |||||||
Brief resume | ||||||||
Born in Granada (Spain) in 1961, Antonio Fernández-Caballero is married and has 3 daughters. Antonio Fernández-Caballero received his Master in Computer Science from the School of Computer Science at the Technical University of Madrid, Spain, and he received his Ph.D. from the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the National University for Distance Education, Spain. He is a Full Professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: From 1984 to 1995, he works in Madrid, Spain, in private enterprise Local Area Networks, S.A., as an Analyst / Programmer in several projects for the Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX), for public company Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo (TID), for the Spanish Industrial Credit Bank (BCI) and for the Spanish Army in the context of project RADITE (Automatic Digital Network Integrated Tactical Army). He works as well as Project Manager for flight company IBERIA in a message switching application for international connections with British Airways and Air France, among others. He also serves as a System Analyst - Project Manager in various companies in Andersen Consulting Group for a maintenance system called SIMOC (Integral On-Condition Maintenance System) for Spanish Air Force combat aircraft EF-18. He ends working at Madrid as a freelance for ALCATEL in a Research and Development project on Monitoring System for Aircraft Guidance for Domestic Airports, under the technical supervision of the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA) and the control of the Spanish Ministry of Transport, National Airports and Air Navigation (AENA). From 1995 to 1996, he works in the province of Albacete as a consultant for the modernization of computer systems of companies Quesos FORLASA and Tableros TALSA. TEACHING: In 1995 he starts teaching at the University of Castilla-La Mancha as a lecturer in the Faculty of Law, Degree in Public Administration and Management. Since 1996, he is a Professor and a Researcher with the Department of Computer Science Systems at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain at the Polytechnical Superior School of Albacete. Since academic year 2006/2007, he participates in the Graduate Program "Artificial Intelligence and Systems" in the departments of Artificial Intelligence and Languages and Systems at the Open National Distance Education University, Madrid, Spain. RESEARCH: He is the head of the n&aIS (natural and artificial Interaction Systems) team, belonging to the LoUISE (Laboratory on User Interfaces and Software Engineering) research laboratory at the Computer Science Research Institute at Albacete (i3A) since 2001. Among his research interests are computer vision, pattern recognition, human-machine interaction and multi-agent systems. He has authored over 200 scientific contributions. He has published 43 publications in journals indexed in the ISI JCR, as well as 41 articles in the series LNCS / LNAI and 11 articles in conferences of the IEEE. He is the editor/author of 2 books ("Decision Making in Complex Systems - The DeciMaS Agent-Based Interdisciplinary Framework Approach", 2012; "Highlights in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems", 2011) and 18 book chapters (16 articles selected among the best in international conferences and 2 items per invitation). He is an Associate Editor of thePattern Recognition Letters international journal and Member of the Editorial Boards of international journals Journal of Physical Agents, Applied Sciences and ISRN Signal Processing. He is Guest Editor of five special issues of international journals ranked in the JCR: "Robotics and Autonomous Systems in the 50th Anniversary of Artificial Intelligence” in Robotics and Autonomous Systems (2007), "50 Years of Artificial Intelligence: Campus in Multidisciplinary Perception and Intelligence" in Neurocomputing (2008), "Pattern Recognition in Interdisciplinary Perception and Intelligence" in Pattern Recognition Letters (2008), "Contribution of Fuzziness and Uncertainty to Modern Artificial Intelligence" in Fuzzy Sets and Systems (2009) and "The Impact of Soft Computing for the Progress of Artificial Intelligence" in Applied Soft Computing (2010). He is Field Editor of books "Foundations on Natural and Artificial Computation Foundations on Natural and Artificial Computation" (2011), "New Challenges on Bioinspired Applications" (2011), "Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering Applications: A Bioinspired Approach" and "Mechanisms, Symbols, and Models Underlying Cognition" (2005), as well as "Computational Methods in Neural Modeling and Artificial Neural Nets Problem Solving Methods" (2003). He is the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of "50 Years of Artificial Intelligence, Campus Multidisciplinary in Perception and Intelligence, CMPI-2006". Has is the Secretary of the Summer School "Trends in Human-Computer Interaction: Accessibility, Adaptability and New Paradigms", 2003, and the Director of the Summer School "Summer School on Perception and Intelligence: 50th Anniversary of Artificial Intelligence", 2006. He was a Local Organizer of the International Congress IEA/AIE 2010 (Twenty Third International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems). He has also served or is part of, among others, the program committees of international conferences IWINAC 2011 (4th International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation), ICAART 2011 (3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence), ICEIS 2011 (13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems), LISS 2011 (International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Services Sciences), SEB 2011 (Third International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings), AMDO 2010 (Sixth Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects), ICAART 2010 (2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence), IWINAC 2009 (3rd International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation), ICAART 2009 (First International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence), ICEIS 2009 (11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems), KES 2008 (12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems), IWINAC-2007 (2nd International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation), AMDO 2006 (IV Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects), MELECON 2006 (13th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference), CADUI-2006 (6th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces), Micah -2005 (Fourth Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence), IWINAC-2005 (1st International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation), IBERAMIA 2004 (IX Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence), MICAI 2004 (Third Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence) and IWANN 2003 (International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks). His interests enforces him to be part of the membership in National Society Networks AERFAI (Spanish Association of Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis), RTNAC (National Natural and Artifical Computation Network), RedAF (Physical Agents Network), AIPO (Association of Human-Computer Interaction) and Spanish Technology Platform on Robotics (Hisparob) and European networks euCognition (The European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems) and SIMILAR (The European taskforce Creating human-machine interfaces SIMILAR to human-human communication). He is (or has been) a Reviewer for 18 journals included in the Journal Citation Reports (in alphabetical order): Applied Intelligence (Springer) [2010-2011], Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier) [2006-to date], BioMedical Engineering Online (Springer Science+Business Media) [2009], Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Elsevier) [2009], Digital Signal Processing (Elsevier) [2005-to date], Expert Systems (Wiley \& Sons) [2010-to date], IEEE Communications Surveys \& Tutorials (IEEE Press) [2007], IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (IEEE Press) [2009], Image and Vision Computing (Elsevier) [2005], Information Processing \& Management (Elsevier) [2011], Information Sciences (Elsevier) [2011-to date], Interacting with Computers (Elsevier) [2006-2011], International Journal of Systems Science (Taylor \& Francis) [2011], Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (IOS Press) [2011], Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (Springer) [2012], Journal of Universal Computer Science (Elsevier) [2010], Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Elsevier) [2005-2011], Neurocomputing (Elsevier) [2007-to date], Pattern Recognition (Elsevier) [2006-to date], Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier) [2004-to date], Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Elsevier) [2007], Sensors (MDPI Publishing) [2010-2011], Signal, Image and Video Processing (Springer) [2012], Signal Processing (Elsevier) [2006-2007]. He is also a Reviewer for a large number of national and international conferences. He holds a patent exploited by company MoviRobotics S.L. |
Granada (a place to be born)
Luxemburg (a place to grow) Madrid (a place to study) Albacete (a place to live)
For more details contact Antonio Fernández-Caballero. This page last updated on 17.04.2012 . |